Muffin's Magical Kingdom
Chasing nonexistent bugs, singing at 3am and laying on their backs with their tongue stuck out are all time honored traditions of House Crazy.
The fragrance of their house will always precede them at gatherings and linger well longer than the petty arguments of others.
“I’ll do it after my nap” is a mantra all sleepy Muffins live by.
Appetites that can never be matched and with eyes of equal or greater size than their stomachs, House Hungry rules over the food bowl keep.
While their coffers may be be bursting at the seams, the Muffins of House Needy require much more to sa te their endless avarice.
There is little time for politics amongst their house when the answers to the greatest mysteries of the kingdom are so close at hand.
You may only pet their heads and for a short period. Anything else is asking for trouble.